Join 75,000 GSGA members in Georgia and 1,400,000 nationally using the USGA's GHIN Handicap System.
GHIN is the largest handicapping service with over 12,700 golf clubs and 73 regional golf associations using the system. Your GSGA Membership Card (left) includes your USGA Handicap Index and a record of your last 20 scores. When you maintain a USGA Handicap Index at a GSGA Member Club, you will enjoy the game more because you can compete on an equal level with anyone.
Handicap revisions are published twice a month (on the 1st and 15th) year round. The GSGA/GHIN software package includes handicap computation, tournament pairing program, Course Rating/Slope Database and Stroke Hole Allocation Service.
Course rating is an important core service that the Georgia State Golf Association provides to its Member Clubs. The GSGA maintains accurate and up-to-date laser measurements and USGA Course Rating/Slope Rating information for golf courses in Georgia. For GSGA Member Clubs, there is no additional fee for this service. Courses are rated at least every 10 years or when substantial changes are made to the golf course. GSGA course rating volunteers are trained annually to assure that their work is done is accordance with the current standards of the USGA Course and Slope Rating System.