Each year the GSGA conducts 18 competitions that are open for statewide participation for men and women of all ages and skill levels, four interstate team competitions, a statewide junior program for boys and girls and qualifying events for all USGA national championships.
Schedules and Competitions Information
Use the links below to check schedules, descriptions, fees and results from this season's events.
2017 GSGA Competitions Schedule
2017 USGA Qualifiers
Eligibility Guidelines
Entry Descriptions and Fees
Rules of Play/Pace of Play (PDF)
Cart Policy (PDF)
Spectator Cart Policy for Junior Championships (PDF)
Posting Competition Scores (PDF)
Registration Help
Players of the Year
At the conclusion of each season, the GSGA recognizes Players of the Year for Men, Women, Senior Men, Super Senior Men, Senior Women, Junior Boys and Junior Girls during a luncheon following its Annual Meeting. The Tommy Barnes Award is presented to the overall Player of the Year.
Tournament Clearinghouse
The GSGA keeps an annual listing of other amateur golf events for men, women and junior golfers in state of Georgia.