GSGA volunteers serve on committees on a year-to-year basis. They are involved in course rating, competitions, standing committees, Georgia Junior Golf, the GSGA Foundation, the Georgia Golf Hall of Fame or any other area of volunteer Association activity. As participation and service warrant, Committeemen may become eligible for consideration for the Board of Directors.
The Georgia State Golf Association has 18 committees that provide advice to the Association's leadership. The composition of these committees includes individuals from all areas of the GSGA volunteer structure. The committee descriptions are divided into the following categories: Core Service, External Service, Volunteer Service, Strategic and Policy, Administrative and Allied Associations.
Core Service Committees
Rules & Competitions
Championship Committee
Site Committee
Players Advisory Committee
Women's Tournament Committee
Junior Golf Committee
Member Play Days Committee
Course Rating
Course Rating Committee
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame Committee
GSGA Foundation
Development Committee
Finance Committee
Nominating Committee
Scholarship Committee
External Service Committees
Business Development Committee
Communications/Magazine Advisory Committee
Volunteer Service Committees
Bill Todd Award Committee
Leadership Development & Nominating Committee
Administrative Committees
Finance Committee
Allied Association Committees
Allied Association Committee